About Me

The Night Bookmobile is a blog I created to collect my book reviews all in one place. I'm very active in the community on Goodreads (I can provide you with references, I am personally very close to Hermione Granger in particular* and she's quite a popular reviewer - you may have heard of her!) but they won't let me change their site layout to my specifications and refuse to put baby owls on ANY of their pages. They forced my hand and I had to create this very blog you see here. Clearly Goodreads is terrible and should be stopped**. I often post on my personal blog about books but figured that a dedicated book blog would be necessary in case I ever wanted to show anyone my collection of reviews without forcing them to read ramblings in ALL CAPS about Game of Thrones and how much wine I drank that day.

* Not true. Not true at all. 
** Also not true but open to criticism because of Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, your blog is so precious! By the way, love your hair!
    Can't wait to

    ~ Shayenne


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